Aquatic Centres for Kids
For fun and fitness, get your kids to an aquatic centre! Aquatic centres are common throughout South Africa and provide a great opportunity for parents and kids to enjoy a vast array of water based activities, swimming lessons to pool parties.
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Swim Schools – Motivated by money or driven by passion?
“I didn’t get into teaching and coaching for the number of wins or the money. It was a passion for trying to help young people”. That’s the motivation all coaches should have, no matter where they are in their careers – Bo Ryan
Read moreCombat sports for kids
Are your children fascinated by martial arts films? Have you caught them doing a karate chop in the backyard? If so, a combat sport could be the perfect kids activity for them! They build strength and self esteem with less risk of injury than team sports.
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Scouts for Kids
Are you in search of a kids' activity that will promote your child's mental, social, and physical development? How about the Scouts? The first Boy Scouts organisation was founded in England as a way to teach boys survival skills, hard work, and comradeship. The first New Zealand Boy Scout camp was started in 1908, and Scouts New Zealand is now a national movement and community institution, which provides a wide range of camps and activities for children of all ages.
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Angling Clubs for Kids
With South Africa's vast coastline and many rivers, fishing is a great option for most families. Taking your kids angling has many benefits, including providing a chance for bonding, relaxing, and developing an interest in the environment
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Your Child's First Gymnastics Class : A Journey of Discovery
Enrolling your child in their first gymnastics class marks a significant step toward a dynamic, active lifestyle. From mastering basic moves to conquering intricate routines, your child's gymnastics journey is one of physical development, camaraderie, and skill refinement.
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Theme Parks for Kids
<p>You won't have trouble convincing your children to visit a theme park! Common themes include water sports, adventure rides, cartoon characters, and movie studios. There are a number of theme parks that provide popular attractions in New Zealand.</p>
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The Benefits of Youth Basketball Clubs: Why Your Child Should Join
Basketball clubs also promote the development of healthy habits, including a focus on good nutrition, hydration, and rest. Coaches emphasize the significance of a balanced lifestyle to ensure that kids perform at their best. This knowledge leads to better choices in terms of diet and overall well-being.
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Camps for Kids
Wondering what to do with your kids in the school holidays? Kids' camps are a popular solution to the problem of how keep kids entertained over the summer period.
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YMCA for Kids
Let your kids develop their potential while helping the community! The YMCA is a worldwide not for profit association dedicated to helping young and disadvantaged people of all ages to maximise their potential and learn new skills.
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Exploring Gymnastics in South Africa: Finding the Perfect Age to Start!
While age is a useful guideline, your child's interest and enthusiasm are the true indicators of readiness. If they're always tumbling around the living room, pretending the couch is a balance beam, it might be a sign that they're eager to give gymnastics a whirl.
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How to Get Your Child To Practice Their Musical Instrument
There is only one thing more magical than watching an expert musician who is lost in their own craft; that is, being that musician. Become one with an instrument produces a sense of flow, enjoyment, confidence and pure bliss. A musician can lose themselves to something greater than them alone. Which is why you are doing your child a massive favour if you know how to make practice both fun and rewarding. Here’s how to best get your child to practice, without the tears.
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Face Painting for Kids
Thinking about a face painting party for your kids? Try hiring a face painter, or, better yet, try doing it yourself! Check out our tips and information on how to make this great party activity as fun and entertaining as possible.
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Beach Volleyball for your Kids
Make a trip to the beach even more fun with a game of volleyball! <br>Popular during the summer, it?s a great form of exercise and loads of fun!
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School Holiday Programmes for Kids
Are you looking for a way to entertain your kids during the school holidays?
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There is more to establishing a passion for something new than just doing to basics. You can’t immerse yourself longterm with a new sport if you don’t start getting involved in other aspects of it as well. You’ll want to find a common interest with others to stay motivated, you’ll start talking racing techniques, styles and tips, gear, clothing, equipment and trends. Your conversations will get focused, your opinions and incentives more diverse, and you’ll find yourself getting more stuck into the activity.
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Karate for your Kids
Looking for activities for kids that exercise mind, body and spirit? Why not try karate!<br>With its emphasis on self improvement and non aggression, it is a great activity for kids and adults alike!
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