Swimming is an essential life skill for every child
The 3rd leading cause of unintentional death worldwide falls under drowning. Children between the ages of 1-4years makes up the majority of the annual estimated 360 000 deaths led by drowning. The second highest rate of deaths falls under the age group of 5-9years, and children ages 5-14year most commonly die from drowning than any other cause. These statistics highlight the importance of children learning basic water safety skills as soon as they are able to, which is around the age of 6 weeks.
A few of the Basic Water Safety Skills that children need to know are those such as; not walking close to the edge of the pool alone, not running along the poolside and, not to get into the pool unattended. The most important skill is for kids to know how to roll over and turn onto their backs whilst in the water. Just the mere knowledge of how to perform this action unattended could save your child’s life in the most unexpected situations.
Taking the necessary precautions to ensure your childs safety around water should be at the top of your priority list. Enrol your child for swimming lessons now – it will benefit not only them, but you as well!