Crafty Angels
Contact Craft Classes & Lessons for Kids in Rondebosch East
Request QuoteBook Craft Classes & Lessons for Kids in Rondebosch East
Request BookingBusiness Address: 1 Karakul Street Rondebosch East 7780 Western Cape
Additional Information
Business contacts Joanne Rajah
In business since 2014
Your Industry Qualification Diploma in Arts Therapy - Self Healing - Renaissance Life Therapies Diploma in Cognitive Behavioural Therapy - Renaissance Life Therapies Diploma in Rational Emotive Behaviour Therapy - Renaissance Life Therapies Community Art Facilitator - Butterfly Art
Registered Child Care provider No
Type of sessions 1-on-1, Group
Kids age groups 4-6 years old, 10-12 years old, 7-9 years old, 13-15 years old, 15-18 years old
Wheelchair access Yes
Cafeteria on site No
Service location Your home
Disability and special needs facilities Yes
Costs Per session / class
Details of these costs R90 per child per class
Payment options Cash, Direct Deposit, EFT
Opening & Closing time 9am until 5pm
Special Offers
This business has no special offers.
![Art and craft workshops for children aged 4 to 10 years are held every second Saturday Rondebosch East Craft Classes & Lessons 2 _small](https://dynamic.activeactivities.co.za/files/events/0/2/1/1021/images/thumbnail_big/2638.jpg)
![Art and craft workshops for children aged 4 to 10 years are held every second Saturday Rondebosch East Craft Classes & Lessons 3 _small](https://dynamic.activeactivities.co.za/files/events/0/2/1/1021/images/thumbnail_big/2581.jpg)
![Art and craft workshops for children aged 4 to 10 years are held every second Saturday Rondebosch East Craft Classes & Lessons 4 _small](https://dynamic.activeactivities.co.za/files/events/0/2/1/1021/images/thumbnail_big/2269.jpg)
Art and craft workshops for children aged 4 to 10 years are held every second Saturday
Event price: Under R200
Price details: Each session is R90 per child with all materials being included.
Age group accepted: 5-8 year old, 8-10 year old
The art and craft workshops are for two hours and are held from 10am until 12pm or 2pm until 4pm every second Saturday. The Angels will make two art and craft projects with all materials being included.
The workshops are designed to encourage inner strength, empowerment, creativity and imagination together with making new friends.
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Business Categories
This business offers the following services or products:
- Craft Classes & Lessons
- Educational School Holiday Activities
- Health & Wellbeing
About Us
At ActiveActivities our mission is to connect parents and carers with providers of activities for kids and make it quick and easy to find, compare and select the best providers based on your needs and location. We are building the most complete online marketplace for kids activities in South Africa where providers for events for kids, general activities and school holiday activities can be found and contacted in a few clicks.
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