Angling for Kids
Angling - fishing with a hook and line - is a popular family activity, and a great way to spend a sunny afternoon. Through-out human history, people have caught fish to eat and this habit has evolved over the years into both a relaxing leisure pursuit and a competitive sport that appeals to adults and children alike.

A video of Angling for Kids
Information on angling for kids in South Africa
Will your kids enjoy angling?
f you are looking for fun and educational outdoor activity for your kids, then look no further than angling! Angling is an enjoyable activity that helps promote good water sense and increases confidence.
Angling could help your child::
- Learn more about marine wildlife and the protection of our waterways
- Experience nature first-hand - this is particularly valuable for city kids who don't otherwise get to spend much time in the outdoors
- Relax and connect with the family
- Learn to respect the environment and other species
There are a number of different locations you might choose to fish in: rivers, lakes, and the ocean are all options.
If your child is the kind who enjoys being outdoors and is capable of sitting quietly for a period of time, fishing could prove to be the perfect kids activity for them. Very young children may struggle with the long periods of focus fishing requires. If you're unsure, give it a go: many kids may not like the idea of sitting still for long periods of time, but once they get hold of a rod, they might be surprised how long they can concentrate for.
How to organise angling activities with your kids
Before you take your kids angling it is important to check where fishing is permitted in your local area. Make sure you comply with any permit requirements and read up on what you are and aren't allowed to catch. You will need to make sure you have the right equipment and tackle, including:
- Fishing rods with lines and reels (to catch fish and wind them in)
- Lures or baits (to attract the fish)
- Sun protection, including sunscreen and hats
- Plenty of water - angling. particularly in hot weather, can be very dehydrating
For those looking for a more formal experience, there are a number of angling clubs around South Africa which can offer fishing trips and tuition, as well as competitions and social events for anyone who is keen. Angling lessons can begin at age 3, and usually cost around R150 per lesson with a yearly club subscription (roughly R750 depending on the club).
Regardless of whether you are taking your kids to an angling club or just to a local river for the afternoon, you're sure to have a great time!